Friday, 7 March 2014

How do you like your pancakes?

Pancake Saturday has slipped lately in our house, partially because in the warmer months the sun gets up earlier and so does Ellie, so we switched her swimming lesson to 0645. We figured we were up anyway, so may as well take advantage of the extra awake time. It does mean that our pancake tradition has declined though, which I've been determined to remedy.

With Shrove Tuesday (pancake day) approaching, it was just the excuse I needed. Although, since I work on Tuesdays, I planned to make pancakes on a non work day instead. So everything aligned nicely, especially when the people at Soup asked if I was interested in taking part in their Nutella project. Nutella was already a brand I was familiar with and more than a little in love with, so I said yes.

I have to confess though, that my experience with Nutella mainly consists of eating it with a spoon from the jar so I was intrigued when I was told that this was a breakfast themed project. Apparently, Nutella has always been a big player in the European breakfast scene, with crepes and sliced banana, or maybe thinly spread on fresh crusty bread. Not one to shy away from a challenge, I jumped right in!

Ellie and I think that Nutella pairs perfectly with (heart shaped for extra fun!) pancakes.  We happily munched our way through pancakes with nutella spread thinly on them. For variety, there was some fresh strawberry on the side, but the real star of the show was that yummy hazelnut spread! And maybe the coffee for mummy too... You can see some of the other Nutella creations on Instagram under the hashtag #NewWaysWithNutella

Heart shaped pancakes for extra toddler appeal
The best part, is that the Nutella project goes for four weeks, so there is no doubt that you'll be hearing more about how we get our Nutella on in chez Fork! For me, it's going to be all about adding a small amount (because a little goes a long way) into other healthy breakfast ideas to make them even more yummy.  I'm thinking Nutella smoothies, Nutella chia puddings, maybe even some breakfast bagels with Nutella!

Do you have Nutella for breakfast? How do you eat it?

**Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post, but all opinions are my own.

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