Thursday, 30 June 2016

Conversations with my toddler

You can see previous conversations I've had here and here.

Ellie has a cold so she's a bit congested at the moment. She leans over right into my face and breathes
E: Mama, can you hear my nose singing?
Me: ... Ellie that's called breathing. And you're actually breathing snot all over me...
E: But mama, it's a song!


In the morning, over breakfast:
E: Mama, I wish you were dead.
Me: That's a terrible thing to say Ellie. Why do you wish that?
E: Don't be silly mama, I'm only pretending. I love you. But I wish you were dead.
Me: ...

After she'd been particularly irritating and picking fights with Jimmy and I:
E: Mama, I'm sorry for being naughty. Even though I'm naughty, you still love me all the time though don't you?
Me: Of course Ellie. I love you even when you're naughty. But I'm proudest when you use your good behaviour.
E: So mama, will you keep me forever? Please?!
Oh toddlers. This stage is just so adorable!

Friday, 3 June 2016

Mama, please look after my bear...

Before we even got pregnant, I'd fallen in love with a friend's baby's Flat Out Bear. It's a bear made from sheepskin and they're so soft and chewable and perfect for little fingers to explore. Mr Fork went out and bought me a big white one which I named Mortimer, and a little one, which he explained would be for our future child.

When Ellie arrived, she was given this bear, and when she was old enough, her daddy told her that story - she just loves her baby bear. They always sleep together, and they're very close. So it was a big deal, when I was packing for a recent Melbourne trip, that Ellie slipped her baby bear into my suitcase, and told me that she was sending her bear along with me so I had something to snuggle with. Of course, she also told me that she would have Mortimer while I was away, thank you very much.

I was appropriately touched. I decided that I would text pictures of baby bear on my work trip back to Mr Fork so that Ellie could see what we were up to. It was a hit! Perhaps my colleagues may never let me live it down that I carried and posed a bear around our office, and I certainly gave the workshop participants something to talk about when I walked in to facilitate and carried a bear up to speak with me... here are a few pictures of what we got up to.

Here we are waiting at the airport.
Posing on the hotel bed, so she knew I was looking after her bear and keeping it company.
What? Oh, just hanging out in the reading chair.
The view from the hotel window in the morning.
Why yes... we do have a swing in our office. I think all offices should have one!
This is the view from our Melbourne office. I'm told it's lovely, except when the F1 car race is on, as it's run quite near, and then it's just noisy and traffic is annoying.
Ellie was quite impressed seeing all that her baby bear got up to and I thought it was a lovely way for her to be involved in my travel, which is otherwise a bit lonely and impersonal. And I got a cute little bear to keep me company. Wins all around!


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