Tuesday 28 June 2011

New toys!

I finally talked myself into getting a Kindle.  After debating back and forth with the decision, I opened it up to Facebook and was overwhelmed with comments by people who loved the device.  Being an obedient sheep, I followed the herd and signed up.  I have to say, Amazon make shopping fun – the anticipation started when I got to track the Kindle on its way towards me.  It even arrived a day earlier than promised and so far I’ve not been disappointed.  In preparation for my new toy, I downloaded the appropriate apps for my phone and my mac as well as some sample freebie books so I could test it out.  Now I’m throwing it out there – anyone have any good, inexpensive book recommendations for me to whet my Kindle appetite on?

1 comment:

  1. The Kindle is so fantastic! Mr Ladybird has one and it never leaves his side - an excellent investment!



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