Tuesday, 15 December 2015


Mornings are like...

Sweet milky breaths

Small arms with hidden strength

Homemade sourdough, slathered with nuttelex and vegemite

Coffee, brewed fresh and hot, steaming nicely

Triumphant hens clucking to herald fresh eggs

Early morning light

All before 6:30am!


What do your mornings look like?


  1. It is just sleep before 6.30am here (apart from a very odd and usually cranky morning) and then it is rush rush to school for the next few days and then hopefully we can relax a bit more! Listening to hens in the morning is so lovely and peaceful. And home made sourdough bread with vegemite sounds lovely

  2. Currently my mornings are very dark! I like the sound of your mornings but they do seem busy :-)



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