Thursday, 1 September 2016

Spring has sprung!

Well hello Spring! I know the title is a bit of a cliché, but I do love a change in season, and I think Spring is one of my favourites!
Here are five things I'm looking forward to about this season:

  1. Waking up and coming home in daylight! No more short days, but glorious light filled hours! Of course, this means I'll probably have to cope with the kids waking up earlier and wanting to play later, but it's worth it.
  2. Spring means it's my birthday month. Not that I get a whole month of celebrations, but I do like birthdays. And cake. I love cake.
  3. Fruit varieties! I know it's not really such a big thing anymore with the imported varieties available, but by now I'm over the local winter fruits and really hanging out for some spring and summer varieties which are now THAT much closer!
  4. Plans! All the fabulous plans that are coming up. My family is entering birthday season, and as the kids get older they get more involved in it all, so we have all the fun of planning celebrations and of course, there will be cake (did I mention I love cake?!).
  5. Gardening. Í can't wait to change up what I have growing and start to plant out some new seeds and seedlings. I have big plans for the garden over the coming months.
What do you love about Spring?


  1. Yay for spring - I love the days warming up and even the fascination of just how heavy spring rain can be and the smell of jasmine (we had a fence replaced last year and I am hoping our jasmine plant re-generates)

  2. Spring in Australia always made me slightly apprehensive, because it signalled the approach of summer, and you may remember how much I disliked that :P But now we are in the UK I get excitement over spring (albeit it's not that time of year for us now) so am glad you're enjoying the milder, longer days!



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