Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Quick update

Just a quick update to say that despite all the wild and windy weather, we're all ok here.  Our house is on a hill, so we have very little risk of flooding, and we didn't lose electricity at all.  I think the only casualty for us is from a leaky window in the sun room - some swollen floorboards and window sills, but easily fixable when everything is dry.

The biggest challenge for us was figuring out how to dry all of Ellie's cloth nappies in the rain when we don't own a dryer (Mr Fork is forever lobbying to get one, but I like the smell of sun on our things).  We ended up getting a clothes airer from Ikea so our house looked like a laundry with nappies, onesies and sheets draped everywhere.  Of course, Ellie chose the rainy days to wet through all of her sheets as well, so a trip to Target was called for - we purchased extra mattress protectors and since they're having a baby sale, we also stocked up on winter clothes and flannelette sheets for her.  It's so funny buying for babies - when she was born, we were told to take 000 size to the hospital. Of course, she came early so nothing fit and we actually needed 00000. Anyway, each new size has seemed massive and buying for winter, we're buying 6 months in advance - I just can't imagine my baby big enough to fit into these 0 size clothes. Having said that, I'm still glad she was born small and has chosen to do all of her growing on the outside of me!

So the rainy weather was a great family bonding exercise, with lots of movies, baby cuddles and hot drinks consumed.  In the last week, Ellie has also mastered the roll over - although she still prefers to roll only to the right.  She makes it look so easy, like she has been rolling forever; it is hard to remember when she was so small and fragile, holding her head up was a challenge.

Each day my baby changes and grows and I'm so grateful to be able to watch her learn these new things.

How does everyone else spend rainy weather? Any favourite activities?

PS I took this picture with my nose as both hands are in it, but I think it worked out rather well!

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