Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Moogoo keeps the nappy rash in check

Recently the little miss has had the most awful nappy rash. As with her cold, she doesn't seem to know that something is amiss and doesn't show any reaction except for smiles and giggles. I suspect one of the main culprits is the horribly acidic urine associated with teething, so it'll pass eventually, but it sure looks painful!

As we're using modern cloth nappies, we have to be careful with the creams we put on as certain ingredients tend to coat the fibres of the inserts, making them less absorbent. Tip #1: if there is one quality you want in a nappy, absorbency is it, so don't mess with that!

Tip #2: If there is a place you want to use a good quality product, it's in the the nappy area! I make a habit that with every product I use on the little miss, I also test it on myself. Yes, this means that I've tried some pretty awful things (certain teething gels, panadol, and nappy creams, I'm looking at you) but I've also discovered some great products too.

Nappy free time is only practical some of the time, we definitely can't go out in public comfortably that way! I went through the contents of my baby sample collection to see what I had, and tested them one by one.  I even went to far as to use creams I knew I shouldn't be, having to add extra liners to the nappy so they wouldn't touch the material but nothing was clearing up this rash - if anything, it was getting worse.  In absolute desperation, I turned to my trusty MooGoo MSM soothing cream. I'd originally bought this to help soothe some itchy spots I had on the scalp, and hoped it would help with nappy rash too. The real bonus is that it doesn't have any zinc in it, which is something that most nappy rash creams contain and a big no no for the modern cloth nappies.

Verdict? Since using the MSM cream, the rash has noticeably improved and there was no need for more icky zinc creams and added nappy liners. The cream is soothing without being thick and gunky, and really does help keep nasty acidic teething rash at bay.  I've learnt that if a product is natural enough, it can be used on both mama and baby skin with fantastic results for both.

As a new mother, it's hard to find products that I trust, but when I find one that I like using and that helps my baby feel better too, I'm sold. Yay MooGoo, thank you for making a natural product good enough to eat and safe for baby's bottom!

Do you have any products you share with baby? Any baby products you've stolen for use yourself? I'd love to hear about them!

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