Wednesday, 8 October 2014

What's in my kitchen, October 2014

In my kitchen is...

A carton of these Absolute Organic coconut water drinks. It was on sale at my local health food store and I couldn't resist a bargain. These are less sweet than the coconut water at my Asian supermarket and in convenient single serve containers. I thought that they'd be good for when Attila arrives too and I need something to quench the raging thirst. If they last that long!

In my kitchen is...

A selection of these yummy bars from the Bar Counter. They were on sale at my Coles, so I stocked up on a few... they're handy to keep in a handbag for when I feel like snacking on something healthy, and they come in a range of delicious flavours. There are gluten free, vegan and a few other options available too. Yum!

In my kitchen is...

The top of a pineapple which I am drying out ready to plant, hopefully so I get some more baby pineapples in a few years! This one wasn't grown by me, but I do like to garden and since the top was left on I figured there was no harm in planting it, especially since it came from a delicious fruit. I usually prefer rough leaf pineys, but I'm not going to be picky.

In my kitchen is...

Sprigs of rosemary in a beer glass, awaiting me to get some effort up to plant them in the garden. I love rosemary, it's delicious with roast potato and as a seasoning for many dishes, but for some reason I can't keep the stuff alive. I'm hoping these little guys get some roots soon and survive being transplanted out into the garden. Any tips for prolific rosemary growth and longevity?

In my kitchen is...

A gorgeous hand lotion by Thank You. It was an impulse purchase while doing the grocery shopping and I thought placing it in the kitchen would remind me to moisturise after washing up and doing kitchen tasks. It's a lovely mix of patchouli, vanilla, sandalwood and lavender and doesn't have any nasty ingredients in it at all. The pump top means I tend to walk past and slather it on so the kitchen placement is definitely working.

In my kitchen is...

A selection of Haigh's chocolate goodies which were gifted to me for my birthday. There is dark chocolate peppermint frogs (my favourite!), some dark chocolate scorched almonds in a tin and my very own Haigh's mug. I'm stretching out the goodies, as they're all so yummy, and also, Attila doesn't leave much room for food these days. I love it when food (or anything really) comes in pretty packaging. Any suggestions for re-purposing the tin when I've eaten the contents?

I am linking this post in with Fig Jam and Lime Cordial's monthly In My Kitchen event. Go have a peek through other kitchens around the globe!

What's in your kitchen this month?


  1. It looks like a great selection :-) I remember those bars appearing in Coles not long before we left Australia - I tried a few and really liked them, but was annoyed at milk being included in some that didn't seem to require it!

    1. Thanks Kari! Yes, some of the ingredients annoy me too. I carefully read the labels before purchase and quite often lament but whyyyyyy?!

  2. Hi Lisa, nice post! Love the idea of growing your own pineapples, unfortunately it's not a do-able where I am. For the Rosemary, strip some of the leaves off the bottom and cut the end at an angle; this will help them root in the water and prevent the leaves from moulding. My Rosemary plant is a few years old, I just trim back the dead parts in early spring and it does the rest! :)

    1. Thanks for the tips Emily. I'll give them a go. I also read somewhere that vegemite helped encourage roots, but that sounds a little out there...

  3. Isn't that interesting - rosemary seems to grows wildly by itself in our garden. Sage though, which everyone else seems to be able to grow, always dies off. Rosemary likes hot, so I would have thought it would be ok in Brissie. Maybe it just needs to find its happy spot in your garden.. :)

    1. That's a good point Celia. I will space them out and around and see how I get on... everyone I know can grow it but it seems to be my Achilles heel!

  4. G'day Never heard of those snacks and will have to keep my eye out for them and love the smell of rosemary!
    Thanks for this month's kitchen view also!
    Cheers! Joanne @What's On The List

    1. Thanks Joanne! Some of those bars have even found their way into my hospital bag, ready to replenish energy. I do love rosemary too. If only it loved me back! :)

  5. our rosemary bush just keeps on keeping on all by itself. in fact i think this bush is a runner from the old one. it lives on clay soil and rarely gets watered and suffers bush turkeys so clearly it wants to live:) friends have pineapples growing in their front yard and they do very well.

    1. I have some clay soil in spots... maybe I should give the rosemary a go there... it's the one herb I just don't have much success with to my frustration.



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