Saturday, 4 July 2015

Recipe: Parsley Pesto

My garden is overrun with a prolifically producing parsley plant (try saying that three times quickly!). Much as I love parsley, adding it to sauces, stews and other meals as a seasoning just wasn't cutting down on the supply as quickly as I'd hoped. I thought about making a tabbouleh salad, but when I checked the meal plan and saw we were having pasta that night, the idea of a parsley pesto was born.

It's not a very traditional pesto - I didn't have any nuts to add to it, so I substituted tahini. I also left out the cheese, choosing instead to use nutritional yeast. Despite all of that, or perhaps in spite of the changes, it was a delicious concoction, tasting fresh and green and yummy. It made way more pesto than I needed for pasta (I filled a 250g jar), so I've also been eating it in sandwiches and dolloped on top of pizza.

Parsley Pesto
printable link

  • 2 cups parsley leaves
  • 1 tblsp tahini
  • 2 tblsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 2 cloves peeled garlic
  • tsp sea salt (or to taste)
  • juice from 1/2 a lemon (or to taste)
  1. Place everything in a processor and process until desired consistency.
  • This will keep very nicely in the fridge for some time (although I don't think it will last long at the rate it's being eaten!)
  • I hate waste, so I froze the parsley stems for use in a soup or stew or to make stock
Do you have a favourite, non traditional, type of pesto?


  1. This sounds great! I don't have parsley at the moment but it does tend to grow prolifically and I rarely have enough uses for it. Great substitutes with tahini and nutritional yeast too :-)

    1. Thanks Kari! It was one of those thrown together but worked out well creations. I'm very pleased with it :-)



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