Wednesday 12 February 2014

Growing up so fast

Love comes in so many forms. Instead of a sappy V-day post, I prefer to talk about our little girl and some of the ways she lights up our lives.

Where oh where did my baby girl go, and when did this grown up toddler take her place? Ellie is changing every day now. She sprouts teeth like nobody's business, and Mr Fork and I are starting to have to watch what we say around her these days as she tries to mimic us. She is making fabulous cognitive leaps... the other day we walked past some farmyard sculptures, and she pointed at the chicken and said "cluck, cluck". I was like a proud mama hen myself at that moment!

She has such sophisticated food tastes, and I'm grateful that she loves to eat everything at the moment. Her favourite over the chinese new year period was sea cucumber. I hope she enjoyed it, because at horrible amounts per kg, it isn't something we buy for home (nor something that Mr Fork or I eat at all actually).

Fetch me more sea cucumber!
She currently has a shoe obsession (that's my girl!). Witness those gorgeous sparkly blue ones above! Despite a toy box which is literally overflowing with things to play with, she is happiest with simple things. Like shoes. And trying them on. It's hilarious watching her try on Mr Fork's or my shoes and then attempt to strut around in them. Play time is often Ellie creating a collection of shoes and arranging them around her to her satisfaction.

Shoe sculpture in progress
Speaking of food, she loves to be independent and feed herself. If anyone else is eating, Ellie gets to tax their food (naturally!). She will simply not tolerate not holding the eating utensil, so meal times where the food is small (rice or cous cous for example) require two spoons - one for Ellie to hold and one for mama to feed her with.

So cheeky
She also loves to be helpful and involved with whatever is going on. We've started to get her to help with small things, like picking up her toys and tidying up after playtime. Sometimes this is successful, sometimes not so much. Ellie is obsessed with the dishwasher, and loves to see what is inside at any opportunity. She also helps unpack it and put things away - hurrah! - although she can only carry one item at a time. We haven't had too many breakages... yet. She loves to use the dustpan and, I'll be honest, moves the dirt around on the floor more than sweeping it up. She adores going shopping and especially the trolley. While she will occasionally allow herself to sit in one, what she really likes is helping to push it along. As Mr Fork likes to be mysterious, I have outfitted him in this fabulous Pharrell type hat.
It seems like only yesterday that she was a tiny newborn and now she's chock full of personality and verve. I keep thinking at each stage of her growth is my favourite, but I'm proved wrong every time!

Do your small ones do delightful things? What have they done lately to make you go "awwww"?

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