Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Bunny baby

This is a post to say sorry I've been MIA lately. We went away over the long weekend and have had a lot of firsts happen recently.

Ellie turned six months old so we celebrated the occasion with a round of needles and her first plane trip. She was not the best baby ever on the plane. I think it's karmic retribution for those times as a corporate flyer when I'd shoot glares at parents travelling with children. Now I'm the one with the screaming child. I was so afraid of getting glares from people that every time the poor thing opened her mouth I tried to shove in a breast. Or a bottle. Or her Sophie. Or a finger full of teething gel, just so it'd look like I was trying. Frankly we're lucky she didn't explode she must have been so full! Travelling with babies is a challenge all by itself.

It was Ellie's first Easter.

Despite my stern warning to her grandparents that we weren't going to get her anything so don't show us up, my request clearly fell on deaf ears. But just look at that face with her Easter loot!

It was Ellie's first time at the beach. I don't have any pictures of her on the actual sand on my camera, but here she is ready to head out.

She loved crunching her toes in the sand and squealed gleefully when the waves hit her. We also had a pool so she swam every day, sometimes multiple times a day, and despite my best efforts slathering on baby sunscreen she got a little tanned (I can tell because the inside of her neck rolls is still milky white!).

Ellie tried honey and Vegemite for the first time. Strangely she seemed to prefer the Vegemite, or it could just be that her grandpa's fingers were good to chew on for itchy gums.

There was plenty of food consumed over the Easter weekend, plenty of relaxing done and plenty of family cuddles had.

What did everyone else do over Easter? Any firsts for you?


  1. Soooo cute! She looks like you when she smiles =) Gradually growing into mama's gorgeous looks x

    1. Naw, so kind! Every time I look at her all I can see is Mr Fork. It's so fun to see her growing up and developing her own personality though ^_^



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