Sunday 8 March 2015

What's in my kitchen, March 2015

Hello Autumn! While I'm sure that there will be plenty of lovely warm soups and casserole meals appearing in my kitchen soon, I'm still enjoying the unseasonably warm weather and the amazing fruits and vegetables available now. I can't even begin to comprehend that it's a new season already when it's still so unbelievably hot. So without further ado, here's what's in my kitchen lately:

In my kitchen is...

Vegan cupcakes from a local Brisbane business. We are not hugely into romance for the sake of a day, but, very strong hinting on my part resulted in Mr Fork getting me a box of vegan cupcakes for Valentine's Day. Because... well, CAKE! That I didn't have to make for myself! Who needs flowers when you have a husband bring you coffee in the morning, and then disappear with the toddler, only to reappear with cupcakes in hand? I know, right!

Ellie handed them to me with a "Mama these are for you," and then staked a claim with, "share please, mama!"

Flavours were Red Velvet (made red with beetroot), Pink Guava, and my personal favourite of the three, Black Forest. The Black Forest is cherry liqueur infused double chocolate, drizzled with more cherry liqueur and then filled with black cherry jam, topped with vanilla buttercream, cupcake cutout, ganache and a cherry. YUM!

In my kitchen is...

Bento accessories! Ellie has been fighting mealtimes lately, so in an attempt to make food more interesting, I've purchased a few bento accessories for her. I'm starting small in case she doesn't like them, but pictured below is a bear shaped sandwich cutter/press, and two egg/rice moulds in the shape of a bear and a bunny.

It's been a bit of a hit actually. Sandwiches are now requested to be "bear sandwich please mama", and I oblige happily. It's a bit of a win/win, as I get to eat all the crusts that are leftover (I think bread crusts are delicious).

I don't eat eggs myself, but Mr Fork buys them from a lady he works with so I know these eggs are organic and from happy hens. I had a go at shaping an egg for Ellie, but there was a bit of a mishap when I got to the peeling stage, so on opening the mould, my cute bunny looked more than a little rabid with it's missing part. No matter, Ellie still enjoyed eating him. Egg moulding is quite an arduous yet interesting process, so I think I'll blog more about it in a separate post. I also have yet to try rice moulding too, although I expect that to be much simpler.

In my kitchen is...

Veggie straws. These were purchased on a whim from Aldi. I thought they were dehydrated vegetable snacks based on the packaging, but I probably should have investigated further instead of just a cursory ingredient check. These funny, square, hollow strips are far removed from vegetables and instead are a puffy mix of potato flour, oil and starch, with tomato puree, spinach powder, salt, sugar and 'flavours' added. I was not very impressed with the taste - I found them bland and would much rather have munched on a real veggie stick with some hommus instead. Ellie however, loved them, so she gets to have them as a special treat. When they are gone, I shan't be getting any more though.

In my kitchen is...

Coconut and raspberry loaf. This is a variation on my standard four ingredient coconut loaf. So easy, Ellie can make it herself (and does, although I help with ingredient measuring and the oven work). I love that she is showing an interest in cooking, and also, in the creating and eating of her masterpieces! As an aside, I'm also loving that she enjoys the clean up part too...

In my kitchen is...

Eggplants a-plenty! I'm harvesting upwards of ten or so eggplants a week at the moment so they've featured pretty heavily on the menu lately. I've had lasagne, moussaka, stuffed and just plain roasted to turn into babaganoush. I have also roasted some and frozen the flesh for use later. And still they keep coming! I really need to find a local garden share near me.

In my kitchen is...

Space! After last month's post where I vented about the uselessness of those jelly maker gadgets, I went on a decluttering spree! I figured that kitchen space is much too valuable to waste on things that I don't use and with that in mind, I was ruthless. I culled corn cob holders and a whole plethora of plastic cutlery that Ellie seemed to have snuck in. Old appliances and devices that I was holding onto out of sentimentality, and a bunch of other things were also either freecycled, donated or binned as appropriate. Now my cupboards are more organised and it's much easier to find what I'm looking for.

I am linking this post in with Fig Jam and Lime Cordial's monthly In My Kitchen event. Go have a peek through other kitchens around the globe!

What's in your kitchen this month?


  1. What a great Valentine's present :) The cupcakes look delicious!

    1. Thanks Kari, they were yummy! Quite frankly, cake presents are acceptable any time in my book :

  2. Very impressive eggplant harvest - they look beautiful!

    1. Thank you! I've gotten very creative with using them up lately too!

  3. I need to do another kitchen declutter - I seem to accumulate far too much much too fast! I love the Japanese bento shapers, but can't justify for myself and don't have kids. Cute cute cute though. So envious of your aubergines, we have not had success at all in growing these, even in the greenhouse, I think it's time to give up and accept they don't like North London!
    Kavey (first time joining IMK!)

    1. I hear you! I'm going to have to implement a rule to move something out if I want something new I think. You know, sometimes I think I make the food cute more for me than for my kids... I say go for it if you want to!!
      You might not get aubergines growing, but I bet I'd be jealous of your produce! Thanks so much for stopping by Kavey x

  4. don't know what is cuter - the cupcakes or ellie's demand to share them! admire your decluttering - my kitchen needs some of that - has had a little but needs more! that coconut bread looks great - I love coconut so am bookmarking it. and we have the bear and bunny moulds - I have only ever used them for seasoned sushi rice (they are great to fill and leave in fridge overnight so you have instant lunchbox snack. Never knew they were for eggs.

    1. Seasoned sushi rice sounds amazing. It's on my to-do list, but I just need to prepare it ahead of time for shaping. Good tip for leaving overnight though. I think rice is much easier to mould - the eggs need quite a lot of work before you can eat them... and care must be taken when peeling otherwise they lose vital parts!!

      Ellie has always taxed my food... even if we are eating the exact same thing, her reasoning is that because it is on my plate it must taste different! Ha.

  5. Mmmm that coconut and raspberry loaf looks mighty fine. Pop the kettle on, I'll be over in a tic! lol. Isn't it great Lisa when you do a declutter/clean out? Its like a weight has been lifted, well it is for me! Cheers, Kirsty

    1. I agree Kirsty, but all that tempting space is just begging to be filled again! Better come over for that cuppa and help me be strong! LOL

  6. Cupcakes sound great. What a great idea to de clutter! I have so much junk I must do the same. I love eggplants. Nice for you to have them from your garden.

    1. The temptation is to avoid filling the space again Sherry! I'm an amateur gardener at best, but I do love it when I can make a meal out of things I've grown myself! x

  7. I have finally got around to the IMK post for march, just in time to start again for April! I'm glad those bento accessories are working except for the egg mishap :) The coconut loaf cake look beautiful, I might try it with blue berries as I have a few around at the moment! Pleas tell me how you grow egg plants I just can't seem to get them to grow :( Thanks for sharing! Liz x

    1. Its hard to pop in and see everyone isn't it! Ellie didn't mind the egg mishap, and I'm happy if she's eating. I'd love to hear how the loaf goes with blueberries. I imagine it'd be yummy :)
      Honestly, I don't know how the eggplants grow. I'm a lazy gardener - if things need lots of love and effort, they probably won't last too long in my veggie patch... sorry, that doesn't help does it! Lx



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