Wednesday, 3 June 2015

What's in my kitchen... June 2015

And the year is just flying by. It's officially Winter now. WINTER! How on earth? I mean, it feels like just yesterday that it was Summer and I was complaining bitterly about having a nursling who wanted to be constantly attached in the middle of the heat. Now it's starting to get cold and I have a curious infant I have to encourage to feed for longer so I can steal some snuggles and warmth! Haha. I'm loving the change in seasons and everything it brings though - mornings are cooler and the sun rises later, so everyone sleeps a little longer (hurrah!). We've added some more blankets to the bed, so it's really hard to get out of it in the mornings. When I do get out though, that sole cup of coffee I allow myself tastes all the better for being hot when the house is just so cold. Winter vegetables are coming into season, so there are lots of lovely pumpkins, green leafy spinach type things and potatoes making an appearance in our meals.

In my kitchen is...

Porridge! Now that it's officially winter, there is no shame in admitting that one of my favourite winter breakfasts is the humble oat porridge. Since I'm still on maternity leave, I like to make it the old fashioned and slightly longer way, with proper rolled oats (not the express type) on the stove top instead of in the microwave. I like mine made on just plain water, so I use a mix of 1:2 oats/water ratio. That gets put onto the stove and stirred until the water is absorbed and the consistency is thick and hearty looking. I then divide that into three - a larger bowl for me, a medium bowl for Ellie and a tiny bowl for Jimmy (wow, that sounds a little Goldilocks like now that I've written it). Mr Fork is not a breakfast person and just has a coffee before work before you think I'm mean and not sharing...
Jimmy has his plain. Ellie and I vary our toppings, but she tends towards plain honey and shredded coconut on hers. I like to mix it up. Some of my favourite toppings at the moment include:
  • Frozen raspberries, shredded coconut and maple syrup
  • Shredded coconut and passionfruit jam
  • Almonds and blueberries
  • Mayvers chocolate superfood spread
  • Stewed fruits and cinnamon (the leftover apples from my flower tarts were perfect!)
  • Coconut or almond milk for a little bit of extra decadence
In my kitchen is...

Mayvers spreads. I can't believe I've not mentioned these before, but since I brought it up with the porridge, I better elaborate. I think all of these spreads by Mayvers are awesome-sauce. I love the super spreads (I have two because they've been on sale when I grocery shopped recently). I've also tried a few of the tahini varieties and the peanut butters. I'm especially chuffed that they are a bit different - instead of plain peanut butter (which they also do), there is a peanut and coconut version as well as a peanut and cacao variety too. I'm munching my way through them all, knowing that they are all-natural pure foods, and I'm supporting an Australian business at the same time. Winner, winner!
In my kitchen is...

A lonely lime. I know that I've been showing off a lot of citrus recently, but this one is special as it is the only lime that I have managed to coax from my own lime tree. This one is a survivor, managing to thrive despite leaf miner infestations and several attacks on the tree by the hoards of rampant grasshoppers in my garden. Go you good lime! I think it will be my only citrus this year.
In my kitchen is...

Passionfruit jam. That bowl of passionfruit from last month was cooked up and turned into jars and jars of passionfruit jam. It turned out absolutely delicious, and I've been eating it on bread, cooked into muffins and drizzled over the top of my morning porridge. Ellie was thoroughly interested in the whole jam making process and couldn't wait to try the end result. Her verdict? "Yummy, except I don't like the seeds". Yes, I think she has missed the point slightly! Luckily I think it's great.
In my kitchen is...

Chocolate, choc chip banana cake. Have I ever shared on here that I loathe bananas? Well I do. The smell and taste of them is just not my cup of tea. Despite that, my children both love them, so I suck it up and buy them. At this stage I even help Jimmy to eat them as left to his own devices he just squishes them into everything and gets frustrated that not much makes it into his mouth. I had two bananas that were beyond eating but perfect for baking, and so, when I came across a recipe that did everything in a bowl with a mixer, it was a winner (since I didn't want to use my hands).
Sorry for the terrible picture, but a certain toddler insisted she needed a piece "right now mama please" so I didn't get time to take in situ photos.

I omitted Katie's suggestion to ice it and just left it plain. This is not a vegan recipe, but since I wasn't eating it, I didn't modify it and used real butter and eggs in it. Mr Fork tried a small piece and informs me it is delicious and fudgey. It made a pretty big cake, especially for someone who doesn't eat bananas. I gave half of it to a friend as a swap for some vegetable seedlings and magazines she dropped over while I was quarantined. Of the remaining half, I froze half of it for future-Ellie's morning tea requirements, and cut the remaining quarter into small pieces for when Ellie demands a snack. Since it is very low in sugar and nasty things, Jimmy has also been allowed to gum on a small piece, to his delight.

In my kitchen is...

(or was!) Planet Food coconut chips. These were an impulse buy as they were on sale at my local Coles. While they say on the packet that they are suitable for vegetarians, I can't see anything in the ingredient list (Coconut, Preservative (220)) that makes it non-vegan friendly either. These are delicious and more-ish. Not too sweet and with a lovely crisp texture. I'm lucky I only bought one packet for I could easily eat these continually if given the chance. I ate the entire packet as an afternoon snack one day. Yum!
I am linking this post in with Fig Jam and Lime Cordial's monthly In My Kitchen event. Go have a peek through other kitchens around the globe!

What's in your kitchen this month?


  1. I remember those nut butter spreads! They were indeed delicious, and you're right - perfect on porridge. Porridge is one of the drawcards of winter weather so I'm glad you're enjoying it and hope the winter isn't too arduous for you :-)

    1. I do love winter! I just also like sleeping and snuggling under covers uninterrupted, but those days will come again soon enough! Winter is such a good excuse to really indulge in yummy warm things :-)

  2. Lisa, I enjoyed your Goldilocks servings of porridge and all of your topping suggestions. I also admire "the little lime that could." Sounds like you have a busy, happy winter household with lots of warm memories!

    1. Thank you! I do love porridge. I love the idea of making food memories... I've never thought of it like that, what a lovely way to put it!

  3. I was stuck at your passionfruit jam and know how it is when hungry ones want to devour something before a photo is taken! lol
    Thank you also for this month's IMK view!

    1. Thank Joanne. It seems that small things can really eat a large amount of food some days! lol :-)

  4. Coconut chips! I've never seen them before! I'm partial to a bit of tahini, so those Mayvers spreads sound good.Your passionfruit jam looks superb! :)

    1. High praise coming from you Celia! I hope you do try the Mayors spreads, they are extremely moreish though! The coconut chips... well, you have been warned, haha!! :)

  5. Those porridge toppings sound good - maybe I need some like that to get me more enthused about porridge again - just wish there were more mayvers nut butters that aren't peanut. I've tried those coconut chips and they are very moreish. Sorry to hear about the citrus harvest this year but glad you had a nice green lime to enjoy - bet it is precious!

    1. Johanna I had such trouble deciding what to use my lime on I was so invested! Haha. Porridge is my go to breakfast in winter... when I run out of oats I'm thinking I might try using other grains as well :)

  6. ooh i dream of having enough passionfruits to make jam....Such a good month for IMK!

    1. Thank you! I do love home made jam so much more than store bought :-)

  7. glad to see i am not the only one who hates bananas:) and yes i like the mayver spreads too. they feel healthy when you eat them. how lovely to make your own passionfruit jam. i love the seeds in them. i just don't get why people want to sieve it as the seeds ARE the point:))

    1. There is just something about bananas isn't there! I think you and I would get along just in real life fine gastronomically! We seem to have very similar tastes :)



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