Monday, 10 August 2015

How does your garden grow, August 2015

In my garden this month I am still harvesting passionfruit. I was so excited with this bunch that I left them on the bench a bit too long while I looked at them admiringly. They wrinkled, but still tasted delicious. I'm probably getting about 5 or 6 a week at the moment, which is nice. I have them plain or mixed into yoghurt.
I also  harvested two eggplant, and I think these will be the last for awhile. The plant has quite a few flowers, but no fruit on it at the moment. The chickens have turned the area under my eggplants into their own personal dustbath...
I continue to harvest parsley and turn it into pesto. I've taken quite a liking to my pesto and have it on sandwiches and as a garnish on quite a few meals. I find it livens up a stodgy soup quite nicely!

I've planted some tomato seeds, but I don't expect much from them. They were from a tomato that went over ripe, so I threw it into the garden and left it to burst and fend for itself. I guess I use plant loosely in this context.

I have also planted out a sprig of the rosemary that I had growing in a little bottle on my kitchen windowsill. It well and truly had roots so needed to be moved.

I have a lot more planting to be done. The chickens' 100% free ranging days have come to an end. They ate my chinese vegetables, they dustbathed in my big garden bed and plucked out all the baby carrots. The carrots, coriander and even some of the parsley which were thriving in my smaller bed have all been nibbled and the greenery eaten.
I have lost most of my seeds for next season, as the plants I'd allowed to go to seed were also decimated. Gutted.
Mr Fork was put to work building me a chicken proof fence pronto. He's quite proud of his work, but the damage has been done. The chickens are very disgruntled.
Out the front, where the chickens don't roam, my citrus were also treated to some attention. They had some gypsum added to the soil, were fed and then mulched generously. Already I can see signs of new growth, so I just need to work on keeping the grasshoppers at bay now.

How does your garden grow this month?

I'm linking this post into the Garden Share Collective, hosted by Lizzie from Strayed from the Table, Kate from Rosehips and Rhubarb and Krystie from A Fresh Legacy.  


  1. Oh, how sad about your chicken consumed plants! At least they didn't get the passionfruit I guess ;P

  2. Oh, I love passionfruit so I'm very jealous of those beauties. My eggplant flowers didn't set for a whole year, it was only the next year that it came into its own. Give it time…

    1. Thanks Fiona! I'll try to be patient about the eggplants. Thanks for the encouragement



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